7- Creative Intervention
Phil provided the foundation for me to dive deeply into the larger questions of life while pursuing my creative side. Not only did he love being surrounded by the energy of an artist, he truly enjoyed the long philosophical discussions and spiritual questioning I constantly brought to the table. In our marriage we were truly best friends and I had never known this in my life. We also loved working together and were one of those rare couples who preferred to be together all the time. Frustrated with my blocked creativity, I once told Phil I felt like I needed to waste 100 canvases to just get past the feeling. His response was to agree, support me in creating a proper studio, and promptly fill it with canvases and whatever else I needed to break free of my limitations. This was quintessential Phil! However, neither of us could have known the stage he was setting for the mystical experience that would birth my journey into what I have come to call Creative Introspection.
In the early days of my new marriage I continued my introspective work, dredging up those issues I felt were limiting my life. It was hard work and it estranged me from my extended family as I delved into childhood issues that threatened those unwilling to explore the past through a functional lens. This was taking an emotional toll on me as I came to terms with the family dynamics that had contributed to my feelings of abandonment and shame. My spiritual mantra of ‘Lead me into all truth.’ was painted across every aspect of my life and it served me well even though it disconnected me for a time from those I loved.
One night I awoke in the wee hours of the morning. Pitch darkness surrounded the beautiful old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere that Phil now shared with us. Having leased the place sometime before meeting Phil, he often teased that he married me for the farm. We loved the place and its quiet, peaceful surroundings. As I slipped from bed, making my way through the darkness like a blind woman who knew every nook and cranny of the room, it felt as though something beyond me was moving me along. I knew I wasn’t wide awake but it seemed like I was being led as I experienced myself from two points of view; subject and observer.
I entered the new art studio which was just off the bedroom, and began to set up one of the new, larger canvas’ for painting. Still in this strange, unfamiliar state of being, I watched myself fill a pallet with oils paints and marveled at the colors being chosen. One part of me was curiously watching what another part of me was doing, but the two aspects were only slightly connected. I had never experienced anything quite like this before and it intrigued my curious nature so I trusted it. I was not being ‘taken over’, I was experiencing an expanded state of awareness and being.
Hours flew like minutes as a painting filled the large canvas I had placed on the easel. Only the morning sun streaming through the studio window alerted me to how much time had passed. As the sunlight and the awareness of time shifted me, I was suddenly wide awake, fully integrated and absolutely astounded at what had happened. Unable to take my eyes off the painting, I backed toward a small sofa in the room as huge waves of deep emotion rippled through me. I simultaneously laughed and cried from the depth of my being at the realization that I was being healed. A flood of energy was moving through me as I stared at the painting which had also come through me. In every way the painting was symbolic of the journey I had taken through life. As I stared at it, it functioned as a sort of archetypal life review. It spoke to me from an energetic level validating every emotion and every wound I had ever suffered. It brought forgiveness to everything I ever held against myself and it freed me in ways impossible to explain. This energetic exchange went on for about a half an hour as everyone else slept. It left me refreshed and reborn somehow. Renewed, I felt a freedom I had never experienced in my thirty-five years of life. What was this that had transpired in the dark stillness of the night, I wondered. What spiritual connection was there between creative energy and self-realization? My head was swimming as Phil emerged from the bedroom.
I could hardly contain myself as I shared with him what had happened to me. We made coffee and talked for hours as we sat before the painting in my studio. He had no more answers than I, but he could see the change. It was obvious, and he could feel it. My pursuit of an art career was shifted that day. Now I was propelled to understand the connection between creativity and spirituality as it applies to self-realization. My life’s work in psycho-spiritual healing had now merged with my lifelong creative impulses and I began to see everything I had ever created in a new light. Songs that had simply come through me, volumes of poetry that had written themselves and gotten me through some of the most difficult times of my life were suddenly understood in light of this energetic experience.
Using creative energy to spiritually understand ourselves and heal was now my focus. Over time I was guided to the realization that creativity can serve as a healing conduit because we are creative energy incarnate! Therefore, when we direct our focus to the larger questions in life, (Who am I, Where did I come from, and what am I doing here?), opening a creative avenue is like opening a portal through which our answers can flow to us…from us; our higher self! From this day forward my art and my awakening were inextricably tied. The answers that flow through the end of my paintbrush and pen have profoundly moved, inspired and awakened me. While I have won awards and had opportunities to pursue a traditional career in the arts, those arenas never captured my passion. Spiritual awakening and enlightenment was always at the forefront for me. That it merged into my unwavering creative indulgences has been a gift beyond measure. But that is what life gives you when you give yourself to life rather than the distractions of life; gifts beyond measure.
Some refer to creative experiences like these as channeling. I myself once accepted that term for lack of understanding what was really happening. Today I realize that I was simply tapping into a frequency of my own infinite being which allowed for higher exchanges of information to come through. There is quite a difference between giving oneself over to ‘another’, as one who channels does, and aligning with one’s own higher aspect. The first sets up and continues the idea of separation and dependence. The later is freeing and revelatory as it connects oneself to their infinite nature. I have experienced again and again how creative energy serves as a wonderful conduit for connecting to one’s higher-self. When I tie this to my personal quest for ongoing enlightenment it never fails me.
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