Long before I was consciously aware the multi-dimensional nature of reality or how it was operating in my life, I encountered it, as had my mother some twenty or so years before me. Due to the fact that we are conditioned away from seeing metaphysical experiences as a normal part of everyday life, we unknowingly limit them. But, as has been proven to me, when this aspect needs to really get our attention, it does! I have experienced a non-physical aspect of myself that has a much better vantage point than my limited physical counterpart If we just understood the fullness of our being, I believe we could be guided in every moment by this aspect of ourselves. Then, instead of bowing to some seemingly separated external deity granting miracles, we could each tap into the truly miraculous nature of who we truly are and utilize our infinite potential. Perhaps we are moving toward experientially realizing this way of life.
When I was four years old and my sister, Laura, was two, I remember a panic that ran through my family. Laura was missing. Imagine my parent’s frenzy as they frantically searched for her. It was 1960 and we lived in a small mainland town in Galveston County, Texas. My parents had built a home on some property given to them as a wedding present from my grandparents. Apart from one next-door neighbor and another at the end of our little road we were surrounded by vacant lots. Our little family of four had been outside when my parents suddenly realized they didn’t see my sister. Our property wasn’t fenced and when a frantic search didn’t produce her they feared someone may have driven by and taken her. They called the police and worriedly continued to search. To this day my mom vividly recalls standing by the detached garage behind my dad as he spoke with the officers. She reports that, without warning an “invisible something” literally took her by the hand and pulled her across the backyard to an old quilt lying in the grass. She said she was physically pulled down by this guiding presence to explore the quilt, which to her looked as though it had simply been tossed in the yard. Having kicked at it earlier in her search she was amazed to discover that deep within the quilt my sister had rolled herself tightly into a ball. Playfully hiding, she had fallen asleep.
I recall my parents relief as my dad later sat with my sister on his lap, all of us gathered around her. As he talked to her about never hiding from them like that again I can still hear her say, “Next time I will leave my feet sticking out.” Everyone laughed at her seemingly reasonable two year old response, as my dad shot down that idea in a heart beat.
To this day my mom recalls that moment as clearly as the day it happened. She told me that was the day that she truly knew there was more to this world than meets the eye. My mom had been raised with religious teachings, but until her own revelatory experience, none of it was tangible for her. As my friend Theresa always says, information is not revelation. Personal revelatory experiences awaken us deeply to the true nature of reality. My mom has gone on to have many more mystical experiences. None more profound than those after my father’s passing. But for now let me tell you how my own daughter, my sister’s namesake, was also saved by a guiding presence.
Laurie was my first child and when she was just an infant I had taken her with me to help a friend pack up her house for a move out of state. She had a daughter a couple of months older than Laurie and motherhood had bonded us. I tucked my baby girl into the crib my friends daughter used, and went about packing. Later, as I was working in the bathroom I got an image of my daughter in the crib with a blanket tightly wrapped around her head from the neck up. At twenty-one I simply considered this a foolish thing to imagine and almost brushed it aside. Fortunately however, I decided to peek in on my daughter anyway. As I looked in from the bedroom door I couldn’t see over the bumper guards around the crib so I walked over. There she was, just as I had envisioned her; on her back, the blanket tightly surrounding her little head. I scooped her up, removed the blanket and she gasped for air. Her hair was soaking wet and her face bright red. Acting on the vision I had received had saved her life.
To this day I don't know how she managed to tangle herself up in that blanket but I have never left a blanket in a crib since! Also, I have never discounted any vision or premonition since. And, like my mother, I have never forgotten the intervention that aided me in rescuing my daughter. My mother was pulled as an invisible presence literally took hold of her hand. I was more subtly guided by a vision in my mind that I almost regarded as an over active imagination. However guidance comes to us, following it can be life saving.
Intuitive awareness is so interwoven into our daily experience that it goes without recognition most of the time. Unless catalyzing events, like those I have shared here happen, most people are not even aware of how much access they have to these abilities. Identifying them in the ordinariness of everyday living taught me how to cultivate and build upon them without being enamored with them. or considering them “miracles”. Tuning into my own higher-self aspect is all the guidance I needed to experience this for myself. My limitless nature was only obscured until I came into the realization of it. Coming into that realization as a society begins with sharing stories like these and starting to pay attention to the multi-dimensional nature of the world around us. It is everywhere and it is awakening in us as we exchange such stories. It is for that reason alone that I write about my experiences. Not so anyone will follow in my footsteps, but so we will all move deeper into our own inward path, awaken to our intuitive nature and embrace the individual and highly personal guidance that extends from beyond the realms of matter, energy, space and time. There is indeed more to this world than meets the eye….and we are that more!
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